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Gownaris, N.J., S. Creel, C. Fallows, L. Kaufman, S.P. Kirkman, D. Kotze, M. Meyer, R.H. Michener, M. Seakamela, N. Hammershlag. In Review.
Scat Signatures Indicate Proactive Responses of Cape Fur Seals to White Shark Predation Risk.
Toscano, B.J., H. Allegue, N.J. Gownaris, A. Drausnik, Z. Yung, D. Bauloye, F. Gorman, M.A. Pault. 2023. Among-individual behavioral responses
to predation risk are invariant in freshwater snails. Ethology. DOI: 10.1111/eth.13363
Gownaris, N.J., K. Vermeir, M. Bittner, L. Gunawardena, S. Kaur-Ghumaan, R. Lepenies, G.N. Ntsefong, and I.S. Zakari. 2022. Barriers to Full
Participation in the Open Science Life Cycle Among Early Career Researchers. CODATA Data Science Journal. DOI: 10.5334/dsj-2022-002
Gownaris, N.J. and P.D. Boersma. 2021. Feet First: Adaptive Growth in Magellanic Penguin Chicks. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7331
Kao, Y-C, M. Rogers, D. Bunnell, I. Cowx, S. Qian, O. Anneville, T. Beard Jr., A. Brinker, J. Britton, R. Chura-Cruz, N.J. Gownaris et al. 2020. Assessing Effects of Climate and Land-Use Changes on Fish Catches Across Global Lakes. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-14624-2.
Gownaris, N.J., P.D. Boersma, and P. García Borboroglu. 2020. Sex Ratio is Variable and Increasingly Male-Biased at Two Colonies of Magellanic Penguins. Ecology. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.2939.
Gownaris, N.J., C.M. Santora, J.B. Davis, and E.K. Pikitch. 2020. Gaps in Protection of Important Ocean Areas: A Spatial Meta-Analysis of Ten Global Mapping Initiatives. Frontiers in Marine Science. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00650.
Boersma, P. D., J.P. García Borboroglu, N.J. Gownaris, C.A. Bost, A. Chiaradia, S. Ellis, T. Schneider, P.J. Seddon, A. Simeone, P.N. Trathan, L.J. Waller, and B. Wienecke. 2019. Applying science to pressing conservation needs for penguins. Conservation Biology. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13378.
Gownaris, N.J. and P.D. Boersma. 2019. Sex-Biased Survival Contributes to Population Decline in a Long-Lived Seabird, the Magellanic Penguin. Ecological Applications. (29). DOI: 10.1002/eap.1826.
Hodbod, J., E.G.J. Stevenson, G. Akall, T. Akuja, I. Angelei, S. Avery, A.B. Elias, L. Buffavand, S. Derbyshire, J. Eulenberger, F. Mercy, N.J. Gownaris, B. Kamski, A. Kurewa, M. Lokuruka, D. Okenwa, C. Rodgers, and E. Tebbs. 2019. Social-Ecological Change in the Turkana Basin: A Synthesis of Current Developments. Ambio. (48). DOI: 10.1007/s13280-018-1139-3.
Gownaris, N.J., K.J. Rountos, L. Kaufman, J. Kolding, K.M.M. Lwiza, and E.K. Pikitch. 2018. Water Level Fluctuations and the Ecosystem Functioning of Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research. (44). DOI: 10.1016/j.jglr.2018.08.005.
Gownaris, N.J., E.K Pikitch, J. Aller, L. Kaufman, J. Kolding, K. Lwiza, K. Obiero, W. Ojwang, J. Malala, and K. Rountos. 2017. Fisheries and Water Level Fluctuations in the World’s Largest Desert Lake. Ecohydrology. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1769.
Hundey, E.J., J.H. Olker, C. Carreira, R.M. Daigle, A.K. Elgin, M. Finiguerra, N.J. Gownaris, N. Hayes, L. Heffner, R. Razavi, P.D. Shirey, B.D. Tolar, E.M. Wood-Charlson. 2016. A Shifting Tide: Recommendations for Incorporating Science Communication into Graduate Training. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin (25). DOI: 10.1002/lob.10151
Ojwang, W.O., K.O. Obiero, O.O. Donde, N.J. Gownaris, E.K. Pikitch, R. Omondi, and S. Agembe. 2016. Lake Turkana, the World’s Largest Permanent Desert Lake. In Max Finlayson, Randy Milton and Crawford Prentice (Ed.) The Wetland Book: Distribution, Description and Conservation.
Toscano, B.J., N.J. Gownaris, S.M. Heerhartz, and C.J. Monaco. 2016. Personality, Foraging Behavior, and Specialization: Integrating Behavioral and Food Web Ecology at the Individual Level. Oecologia (182). DOI: 10.1007/s00442-016-3648-8.
Commito, J.A., N.J. Gownaris, D.B. Haulsee, S.E. Coleman. 2016. Separation Anxiety: Mussels Self-Organize into Similar Power-Law Clusters Regardless of Predation Threat Cues. Marine Ecology Progress Series (547). DOI: 10.3354/meps11642.sep
Gownaris, N.J., E.K. Pikitch, W.O. Ojwang, R. Michener, and L. Kaufman. 2015. Predicting Species' Vulnerability in a Massively Perturbed System: The Fishes of Lake Turkana, Kenya. PLOS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127027.
Commito, J.A., A.E. Commito, R.V. Platt, B.M. Grupe, W.E. Dow, N.J. Gownaris, K.A. Reeves, and A.M. Vissichelli (2014). Recruitment Facilitation and Spatial Pattern Formation in Soft-Bottom Mussel Beds. Ecosphere (160). DOI: 10.1890/ES14-00200.1.
Pikitch, E.K., K.J. Rountos, T.E. Essington, C. Santora, D. Pauly, R. Watson, U.R. Sumaila, P.D. Boersma, I.L. Boyd, D.O. Conover, P. Cury, S.S. Heppell, E.D. Houde, M. Mangel, É Plagányi, K Sainsbury, R.S. Steneck, T.M. Geers, N.J. Gownaris, and S.B. Munch (2014). The Global Contribution of Forage Fish to Marine Fisheries and Ecosystems. Fish and Fisheries (15). DOI: 10.111/faf.12004.